Authentic Traditional Italian

Everything Starts With A Good Meal
Alameda Point - SoFive Soccer Center
800 West Tower Ave, Alameda CA 94501
510.769.4828 p.
My Story
Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Cheryl Principato grew up with the annual calendars picturing the Madonna del Lume, the patron saint of Porticello Sicily, adorning her nonna’s kitchen where she ate pasta every Sunday afternoon following the church mass.
Her knowledge of the restaurant culture grew as she grew, witnessing the lifestyle as her father managed various restaurants. Her first thrill of a New Year’s Eve working in the field came at the age of 12 when she worked the coat-check room and earned over $100 in tips!
Following in her father’s footsteps, Cheryl has become a restaurateur in her own right building on 20 years prior experience before opening C’era Una Volta in 2004.
Contact Cheryl for business or personal catering for any private event awaiting Italian delectables.